Betty Corning,




ljusblå klockor, doftande, 2 m okt 04 - viticella typ -hård beskärning tidig vår  se mer om beskärning av clematis här:  06: trodde den dött, men 8 juli plötsligt långa stjälkar igen. 24 juli ett stort buskage med massor med knopp-10 sept fortf i full blom
Clematis pruning group 3 (hard)
end of II - beginnig of IV
- are later flowering species and varieties that bloom on new growth from the end of June to July e.g. cultivars from Viticella Group and Jackmanii Group. These should be hard pruned above second or third set of the buds, 20 - 50 cm from the ground.

Senast uppdaterad 2008-05-04
